Whoa! Check out the shirt!
Whoa! Check out the shirt!
Can’t you just hear the bagpipes playing in the background? Here comes William Wallace now!
Someone commented that I looked like I should be working on a farm. Maybe that’s not such a bad idea!
Hey, I got the shirt for $5 at J. C. Penny’s. What can I say? (When I wore the other $5 shirt, someone else said I looked like I should be wearing snakeskin boots and working in a rodeo.) The only days in my life I am caught wearing a shirt like this are Fridays, “Casual” Fridays.
“And here’s Sam coming down the red carpet, casually sporting a traditional Scottish print top by Tommy MacHilfiger and the consistently popular and corporately acceptable navy blue Dockers by Levi McStrauss.”
“Ah yes, Joan! And what better day to be in such befitting attire than today, Flag Day!”
Wait… Flag Day?
Yes, that’s what the calendar on my desk says. Check it out:
But what does the “M” stand for? Where is “M”?
Let us consult Google…
Here is a list of “M” countries, along with images of their flags:
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Micronesia
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
So, which one? Is it chocolate Malta? Smoking Mauritania? Maldives in your Cosmopolitan? Micronesia, when you can’t remember the small things? Macedonia nut?
I like Madagascar. That was a funny movie!
So, happy Flag Day to the Madagascarians! (“Madagascarians” – container toting, angry motorists who ran out of gas?) Wear your colors proudly!
One final word, courtesy of Dove chocolate… I found this inside one of their wrappers today:
Awww! Thanks! How sweet of you!
Me and my plaids are outta here! Bye!