Rand-O-Blog (A Blog of Sorts)
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I got a gosh dang, motha friggin A on my sociology class!
Did you hear me??? Here, let me say it louder!
I got an !
I worked my little tushie off to get that grade! Whew! I'm happy!
Now... I'm scheduled to take two classes for the spring semester: Deviance (another sociology class) and World Civilizations (history). I was scheduled for one more, Cultural Anthropology. But I dropped that. I think I would put way too much pressure on myself by attempting three classes.
I'm caught between the desire to meet all the requirements for a degree in Social Sciences and the need to maintain a normal life. I've had to remind myself that I have a full time job, play in two bands, have five children and a girlfriend, and occasionally need a day to breathe... and maybe a
minute or two to update my website. So, that's why I decided to drop the third class. I think I can handle two classes, as I did in the fall semester (Business Ethics and Small Business Management). My only other concern is PAYING for them.
Friday, January 6, 2006
Proof that I am NOT a bird hater... That's Skipper on the left and Fat Albert on the right. I cohabit with them.
The band, Moons of Pluto, is playing tonight at 10 PM. I'm excited. But anxious also. The sociology class is quite a load. At the moment I am bogged down in Karl Marx's "Manifesto of the
Communist Party." It's actually quite interesting. It makes me consider Communism as an option. ("Hey, George Dubya, you hearin' this? I'm sure your stooges are tapped into my wire!") I mean,
the Democrats and Republicans sure ain't doing it for me.
I better shut up. The US government didn't like John Lennon when he talked like this. Did they?
Gotta go! Good grades and rock-n-roll await!
Thursday, January 5, 2006
YES... that IS a dead bird in the photo. It doesn't fly anymore. Just like my website. It's busted, broken, dead. Well, not really dead. But I like the dead bird picture anyway.
So, I was trying to update my website on New Years Day and guess what. I ran out of server space! You know what that means, right?
Can you say "database corruption"? Can you say "impossible to update journal"? Can you say "SCREWED!"? Yes, I am screwed. I can't back up everything I wrote for the last several months.
I'm going to have to do it by copying and pasting manually, entry by entry. Can you say "there is NO time for that right now!"?
Actually, I'm not even supposed to be writing to all of you right now! You see, I started an online sociology class yesterday. It's a normal 16 week college course crammed into 16 DAYS! Oh yeah!
There's a smart idea! Let's fry students brains! Let's give them two full text books to read, five papers to write, four exams, daily quizzes and daily forum postings to respond to. Let's drive them
to the point that they wish they could fly full speed into a window as the most fortunate little bird in our photo!
Don't worry. I'm not wasting too much time right now. I'm printing information on Auguste Comte and W. E. B. DuBois. You know those two dudes, right? I have to read about 30 pages on these guys and then write a
comparison of them... in only two pages. I guess "condensation" is the key to this course.
Okay. I gotta run flimp. That's flying with a broken wing. (What? If you walk with a broken leg you limp, right? So, why can't a call flying with a busted wing "flimping"?)
January 1, 2006
