An Irish Thing

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

Going to see THIS band tonight! Yeah, it’s an Irish thing. You know, we Irish were the ones who invented rock-n-roll. Yup! What do you think the Blarney Stone is all about? Yeah, it’s a rock-n-roll thing!

In other news…

I’ve been down with a nasty, snotty cold for about 10 days now. Nothing but hacking and gagging and sputtering. (Sorry, no picture available.)


New Jersey has turned into a big snowy, rainy, unfriendly kind of place for the last few weeks. So I haven’t gotten any bike riding in lately. Hey, did you hear about my big bike accident? Too bad we don’t have video footage of this one! Classic! I so gracefully launched myself right over the ol’ handle bars. No, that’s not an Irish thing! This comes from the minority of Polish genes that run in the family. I think they’ve leached upon my nervous system and sucked the coordination right out of me. But here’s the good thing. I was going uphill when I fell. (Only Polacks fall uphill!) There is an advantage to falling uphill. The road meets you half way! That’s a good thing once you are over 25 like me. **cough** I won’t tell you exactly what caused the crash. Let me just say… Don’t take your shirt off and tie it to your handle bars. Trust me. Just don’t do it.

Okay. That’s it for now. Blog ya later.

Posted at 4:00 PM (EST)

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