The Things People Search On – #2

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

Time for another installment of search results.

Lately, a lot of people have been searching for “rainy day pictures” and finding my Rainy Day Pictures. I figure these must be the really depressed people in our society. Also, I’ve had a lot of people searching for the lyrics to “Black Water” by the Doobie Brothers. (See “Don’t Lose that Number”.) Is there some sort of Doobie revival going on or something? I’ve had several visitors of late who have looked through the complete set of The Daily Chia pictures. These are the really bored people in our society.

One thing that certain people in our society search for a lot is “dirty pictures.” There are variations to this: “dirty photos,” “dirty picture gallery,” “dirty thumbnails,” and even “dirty frog pictures.” Hmmm. I would love to see the eagerness draining from their faces when the images on My Dirty Pictures begin to load! What a “dirty” rat I am! What a “dirty” sense of humor! (Yes, this photo gallery is safe for viewers of all ages. It’s purpose is only to annoy the “dirty” among the visitors.)

Now for a list of some funny, strange, and otherwise interesting search criteria.

Search Criteria Destination
smbluebulletGeeky Programmer Picture smbluebullet“Last Week in Java Class”
smbluebulletRubber Chicken Juggling smbluebullet“Finkledorff, Finkledorff, Where Have You Been?”
smbluebulletI am a sissy.  I am a 15 year old girl. smbluebullet“Everyday Stuff”
smbluebulletSmoking Oysters smbluebullet“The Oyster and the Personality Test”
smbluebulletMy First Fist Fight smbluebullet“I Blame Carole King:  The Evil Influences of my Mother’s Music”
smbluebulletBirthday Belt Spankings smbluebullet“Pitching Quoits and Raising Teenagers”
smbluebulletBirthday Boy Spankings Pictures smbluebullet“Pitching Quoits and Raising Teenagers”
smbluebulletSpankings by Mom smbluebullet“Pitching Quoits and Raising Teenagers”
smbluebulletOuch Spankings smbluebullet“Pitching Quoits and Raising Teenagers”
smbluebulletSpankings Hurt smbluebullet“Pitching Quoits and Raising Teenagers”
smbluebulletTango Underwear smbluebullet“Buffalo Before Breakfast, Twizzlers Before Lunch”
smbluebulletPatricia Whack smbluebullet“With a Knick Knack Paddy Whack”
smbluebulletWhoopie Cushions smbluebullet“Caught by Surprise”
smbluebulletBiggest Thighs smbluebullet“Old Photos”
smbluebulletYellow Submarine Captain smbluebullet“Snowbound in a Yellow Submarine”
smbluebulletTalking Backwards While Sleeping smbluebullet“A Mother’s Day Letter”
smbluebulletThree Sheets to the Wind smbluebullet“The Battle of Snydersburg”
smbluebulletWhere to Find Pilgrim Girls Clothes smbluebullet“Buffalo Before Breakfast, Twizzlers Before Lunch”
smbluebulletHow Did Gene Simmons Get

Such a Long Tongue?

smbluebullet“When We Were Rock Stars”
smbluebulletAstronauts Who Traveled to Space smbluebullet“Of Astronauts and Mountain Climbers”

Posted at 2:20 PM (EST)

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