Bestiality Blues

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)


I was going to write a journal entry about how I’m feeling about the holidays this year. But I just don’t have the heart to do it. To tell the truth, I got the holiday blues. (If you read some of the entries below you may have picked up on that already.)

Speaking of the blues… I’m listening to one of the blues CDs that I got on Saturday while I’m writing this. I just heard the following lines in a song called “I’m a Woman” by Koko Taylor:

I’m a woman
I can make love to a crocodile
I’m a woman
I can sing the blues.

Uh… What?

Is that some kind of hardcore blues? Punk blues? Feminism blues? Bestiality blues?

Is that why women don’t notice me? I’m not “scaley” enough? Are all the good women taken and the rest out shagging crocs? No wonder I have the blues.

Well, rather than spreading those blues to all of you, I’m going to give you this photo of these snow men. They look happy. Don’t they? Who are they? Dr. Evil and Mini Me? Kid Rock and J. C.? Or maybe this is the North Pole episode of “Fantasy Island.” “Boss! De sleigh! De sleigh!”

That’s enough from me tonight. I need some sleep. I hope I don’t have bad dreams. Those Koko Taylor lyrics put a really nasty image in my mind.

Posted at 11:50 PM (EST)

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