A Principal Joker

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

My oldest daughter went to visit her younger sisters in the far off land of Georgia.

Yesterday, the younger two were not feeling well and stayed home from school.

I called this afternoon to see how things were.

When my youngest daughter, M, almost 8, answered the phone, I said, “Hello, M.”

She said, “Hello, Daddy.”

Being the joker I am, I said, “This isn’t your Daddy. This is the school principal. Why aren’t you in school young lady?”

Without hesitation she replied, “I’m sick!”

“Let me speak to your babysitter.”

“But you sound just like my Daddy!”

“I like your Daddy. He has a nice voice!”

She handed the phone to her big sister.

“It’s the principal. He wants to talk to you! But he sounds just like Daddy.”

Yes… of course I talked to her again and told her it was really me.

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