How Can I Go Wrong?

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

Here is the last photo that I will ever take…


… with this camera, my old Sony Mavica FD-73.


My friend, Suzy, called me yesterday afternoon and said, “Hey, I found a Sony Mavica for $50.”

I said, “What??? I paid $500 for mine four years ago! Please buy that camera for me!”

The place had just closed. But Suzy saw a friend of hers who worked there as they were leaving. She was able to get back in and snag the camera for me!

The new camera is a Sony Mavica FD-88. It has better pixelization, a better zoom lense, more photo options, and it takes 5 to 15 second movies. Oh man! I can have some good fun with that! The camera was only $50 and doesn’t even have a scratch on it. What a great find! While the digital camera that I’d like to have is currently around $1,000 and can take incredible photos, this FD-88 is a decent improvement in the meantime until I have the funds for the more expensive one. And for only 50 bucks, how can I go wrong?

(Don’t answer that. I know how I can “go wrong.” I’ve certainly done it enough.)

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