What Stage Are You?
In a dream. Possibly at work.
I enter a room in which many people are milling about.
A guy says to me, “Sam, what stage are you?”
Me: “What stage am I?”
Guy: “Yes. Your cancer. What stage?”
Me: “Uh… I don’t have cancer.”
Guy: “Well, you are giving off such an odor that we all assumed you had cancer.”
Me: “No. It’s just a tooth that’s bothering me.”
Guy: “Hey, everybody! It’s not cancer. He just has a tooth bothering him.”
He walked away. No one else spoke to me.
I do have a tooth that’s bothering me. But I don’t think it’s giving off an odor. If there’s an odor, it’s because I need a shower. But it’s not at stage 4 level. Maybe stage 2.
Why wouldn’t people talk to me in that dream?