Lovely and Amazing
I’m watching this movie, “Lovely and Amazing” and two women that I have always thought were absolutely beautiful (Catherine Keener and Emily Mortimer) are being treated like shit by their men. Boy, this is so much like real life. How many beautiful women are with total douche-bag men? I bet 80% of the pretty women I know are in such a situation. Catherine’s husband doesn’t want to have sex with her. Emily’s boyfriend told her that her arms are too flabby. Douche-bags.
But surprise! Surprise! Jake Gyllenhaal saves the day! At least for Catherine. She goes into a one hour photo shop to apply for a job. The kid at the counter turns around and it’s Jake. Freakin’ Donnie Darko, working in a photo shop! Before you know it, Gyllenhaal is banging Catherine in the backseat of his car, s-a-v-i-n-g the d-a-y.
Meanwhile, Catherine’s and Emily’s mom (Brenda Blethyn) is in the hospital with complications from a lyposuction procedure. Lying there in bed, she randomly mumbles to Emily, “I’d give anything to take a shit.”
Talk about taking a shit…
Catherine got arrested for statutory rape. Apparently, Jake wasn’t legal in this movie.
And Emily? Well, she got bit in the face by a stray dog. That seemed random.
Now I think I’ll watch “Being John Malkovich” with the volume off just to see Catherine Keener again…
Happy Endings
Any movie that starts out with Lisa Kudrow getting plowed over by a minivan in the first 30 seconds has got to be a good movie.
“This was savage and brutal.”
Sabina Rose O’Donnell was 21 years old. She was a pretty girl who worked as a waitress in a restaurant my son frequents. Notice I said she “was” a pretty girl. Some asshole murdered her this past Tuesday night.
I take that back. Some ASSHOLE “destroyed” her in the middle of a hot, dark, Philadelphia night. He, mostly likely a “he,” didn’t just kill her. It was a “savage and brutal” affair. He forcefully dragged her to an empty lot behind her apartment. He smashed her face with a blunt object, her pretty happy face. Police say there was evidence that he raped her. He robbed her. Contents of her purse were found strewn about the lot near her naked lifeless body. Her purse was found on the curb at the intersection nearby. Her wallet was empty. The monster strangled her with a piece of her own clothing. Some beast of an asshole slaughtered this poor woman. He is still alive somewhere.
What in God’s name possesses people to do shit like this?? I don’t understand it. It was probably some crazed crack-head whose addiction-addled brain was beyond lunacy in his selfish quest for another fix. Sabina was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sabina herself became merely one more fix for this monster’s savage and unquenchable lust. It was more than just a crime. It was hideousness in its lowest form.
Why am I writing about this murder? One of how many dozens that take place in Philadelphia? My reason: Sabina’s murder happened just two blocks from where my son lives. I have been there. My feet have walked those streets and my eyes have seen the area in which Sabina lived and, sadly, died. On her last day, she shared drinks with friends at El Camino Real, a Tex-Mex restaurant where my son and I, along with his girlfriend and my youngest daughter, not long ago shared a meal of wonderful pulled pork BBQ sandwiches, sangria and margaritas. Sabina spent some of her last moments within those very walls, among friends. Then she died alone. Neither I, nor my son, nor Sabina’s friends were there to save her. She died in the clutches of a monstrous asshole in a dark empty lot. How many are the times I have driven in that two block area late at night after driving my son home! If only it had been on one of those nights that this savage attempted to attack her. I, the same as anyone of you reading my words, would have given my all to intervene so that she would still be smiling today. Rest in peace, Sabina. Rest in peace.
Further details on Sabina’s murder can be found here: Northern Liberties waitress, 21, found slain
The Beinhas
“The Beinhas had him where they wanted and they knew it. Ex-whores always knew when they have you by the balls.”
– Tad Williams
“Otherland, Vol. 1: City of Golden Shadow”