If You Can’t Menachem
(What is not funny is that the guy on the TV is a real tool (Menachem Tewel), a rabbi who is a child sex-abuser. May he rot in Heck. (That’s Hebrew for Hell.) News story here: CBS New York)
Six Years Ago Tonight, I Couldn’t Sleep

Six years ago… on a distant blog, at a now distant location… I wrote this.
I will be right upfront and tell you there is an “unseemly” misspelling in that old article. All words are not what they “seem.” I could go back and edit that article, fix it all up, make it pretty. But… I’m too tired.
The article has redeeming qualities though: Dr. Seuss, Beatrix Potter, Monty Python, and snakes… snake plants actually. Make sure you click those links in the article. (The links are in white text. Dumb, I know. But, hey, the links match the “monster” in the video I linked to.)
If you can’t sleep, I recommend “I Can’t Sleep”. If that doesn’t help, try the chamomile tea, you naughty, fat, little rabbit.