Timmy Still Plays With Blocks – May 8, 2004 (Photos)

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

The only difference between a man and a boy is the size of his toys. Isn’t that how the saying goes?

We found these in the parking lot of an unused shopping mall near our home. We don’t know what their intended purpose is. They sure made interesting photo props.

How Can I Go Wrong?

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

Here is the last photo that I will ever take…


… with this camera, my old Sony Mavica FD-73.


My friend, Suzy, called me yesterday afternoon and said, “Hey, I found a Sony Mavica for $50.”

I said, “What??? I paid $500 for mine four years ago! Please buy that camera for me!”

The place had just closed. But Suzy saw a friend of hers who worked there as they were leaving. She was able to get back in and snag the camera for me!

The new camera is a Sony Mavica FD-88. It has better pixelization, a better zoom lense, more photo options, and it takes 5 to 15 second movies. Oh man! I can have some good fun with that! The camera was only $50 and doesn’t even have a scratch on it. What a great find! While the digital camera that I’d like to have is currently around $1,000 and can take incredible photos, this FD-88 is a decent improvement in the meantime until I have the funds for the more expensive one. And for only 50 bucks, how can I go wrong?

(Don’t answer that. I know how I can “go wrong.” I’ve certainly done it enough.)

Chasing a Rainbow

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

Look what I chased yesterday. I just wish I had a better digital camera that could have really captured the color of this. Hopefully the photos I took with the 35mm will come out nice.

