Browse Category: Photos

Jonathan Livingston Swallow

Nice swallow posing.  CLICK TO ENLARGE.
Nice swallow posing. CLICK TO ENLARGE.

As best I can tell from the collective ornithological knowledge on the internet, this is a tree swallow. He seemed to enjoy sitting on a wire and gazing at an open field rather than hanging out in a tree. Jonathan Livingston Swallow.

All That’s Left

This is all that's left of winter.
This is all that’s left of winter.

Remember that really cold, really snowy winter we just had?

This is all that is left. I don’t think this little hunk of snow is going to make it through the day. It’s sunny and 60 degrees here in my part of New Jersey. This is the day that will put winter to bed.

Break out the beach chairs, people!

What Ladies?

Ladies?  I don't see any ladies.  Maybe they drowned in that pond.
Ladies? I don’t see any ladies. Maybe they drowned in that pond.

Throwback Thursday – In the Days of the Mullet

Circa 1993
Circa 1993

The question that comes to mind, and which has been asked by my observant fiancee, is why is that lanyard hanging off my sunglasses and not wrapped (tightly perhaps) around my neck?

I allowed myself to sink into a 20-year reverie (not a 20-year long reverie, but reminiscing back to 20-years past) and I remembered why I never wrapped that cord around my neck. The reason: I used to keep those glasses slung over the rearview mirror of my car, which was quite possibly a bronze-colored Volare station wagon at that period of my life, which eventually bit the dust and which a friend and I almost lost on I-78 while towing it behind his pickup truck up Jugtown Mountain. It was a pain in the neck to wear that lanyard around my neck, get it under all that glorious long hair, which some of you, the racists among you, are inordinately fond of referring to as a “mullet,” only to have to extract said lanyard from beneath that gorgeous mane to re-hang from the mirror, and then to properly re-style the curly locks again. Mystery solved.

On close inspection, one might notice what appears to be an even longer lanyard hanging off my shoulders. Before you question it, I will reveal that it is the pull strings from the maroon hoodie I traditionally wore beneath that ultra-cool Lee jean jacket. (Racists refer to it as “dungaree.”) I still have that jacket. It only fits half of me now.

By the way, I still have that guitar too. I’ve had it for 30 years now. Others have come and gone over the years. That one is still my one love, from the days of the mullet to the days of… well, yes, now I have a lot less hair. Sigh.