Browse Category: Photos

Something’s Missing Here

Asbury Park, NJ - 2013 CLICK TO ENLARGE
Asbury Park, NJ – 2013 CLICK TO ENLARGE

Here is a picture I took with my iPhone. I used the panorama option. The scene is the Asbury Park, NJ boardwalk in August, 2013.

I was admiring the pretty color of the sky and wishing I was in Asbury Park right now. I love that town.

Something in the photo caught my eye. Actually, something NOT in the photo caught my eye. Here it is. Or should I say, here it isn’t?



He is not using crutches. He has no prosthetic device. His leg is simply gone from the picture. Chopped off by the amazing Apple amputation app!

As far as I can figure, it defies the laws of physics for a one-legged man to casually stroll along the Asbury Park boardwalk at sundown in August, apparently swinging his arms and enjoying himself, without toppling over. I feel nervous for him every time I look at the photo. And I feel just a tad guilty because I suspect that he was fully-legged before my camera got a hold on him.

So, be careful with your phones, people. You wield a mighty power.

(Now go examine your panoramic photos. Let me know if you’ve also mangled anyone.)

Failed English, Didn’t Ya?

Where did you go to school?  DID you go to school?  Failed English, didn't ya?
Where did you go to school? DID you go to school? Failed English, didn’t ya?

The lack of punctuation and the shoddy grammar on this sign disturb me every time I pass it.

I’m just glad it doesn’t end with “removal of your junk” instead of “goods.” That would be really disturbing.

Photos from Running – 9/30/13, 10/1/13

One of the wonders of modern technology is an item we refer to as a “cell phone.” What a misnomer! This gadget is slim and light enough for me to carry while I run. Not only does it give me the ability to make a phone call while out running, if need be, it also has the ability to track the course of my run, record my pace, show me my distance, and calculate the calories I burned. I can communicate via text message when I’m feeling lonely out there. I can post to Facebook. And I can even read a book on my Kindle app if I get bored while trudging through mile four! (Yes, I have done it. I have found motivation in the pages of “Eat and Run” by Scott Jurek while running.)

One of the features I love the most about my phone is its high quality digital camera. Its 8 megapixels produce photos that blow away the photos from the 1.4 megapixel Sony Mavica which I paid $500 for a dozen years ago! That camera used floppy disks and could hold about 20 pictures on each disk. It’s hard to run with a pocket full of floppies and a 50 pound camera hanging from one’s neck!

All that being said, here are some photos from the last few days.