Browse Tag: woods

I Forced Myself to Go for a Run Today and This Was My Reward

A Close Encounter of the Pileated Kind

I forced myself to get out for a run today. This was my reward! I can’t believe how close he let me get. I may have gotten closer if I didn’t slip at the end of the video.

A Few Pileated Woodpecker Facts

  • They are not migratory.
  • Pairs stay together all year.
  • They are territorial. (Hear territorial drumming in video below.)
  • Their territorial drumming consists of burst of 11 to 30 taps in less than one second.
  • They make rectangular holes and nest in them.
  • They do not reuse nesting holes from year to year, but other animals use the woodpecker’s abandoned holes.

Pileated Woodpecker’s Territorial Drumming