Browse Category: Nature/Wildlife

Ten Pots

We planted stuff.

From left to right:

  • Lavender
  • Chinese Lantern
  • Echinacea
  • Wax Beans
  • Mammoth Sunflower
  • Mammoth Sunflower
  • Sugar Maple
  • Japanese Maple
  • Citrus Sunflower
  • Citrus Sunflower

The Pretty People in the Woods Receive Me Cordially

The bee is not afraid of me,

I know the butterfly;

The pretty people in the woods

Receive me cordially.

The brooks laugh louder when I come,

The breezes madder play.

Wherefore, mine eyes, thy silver mists?

Wherefore, O summer’s day?

-Emily Dickenson

So why don’t I spend more time in the woods? Why do I allow depression to prevent me from getting out of bed some early mornings? I should be more eager to be in the woods where I am know, where there is happiness.

All My Ducks In A Row

Does the phrase, “I got all my ducks in a row,” have significance if you only have two ducks?

If you only have two ducks, aren’t they in a row by default? The shortest distance between any two ducks is a straight row, right?

So, automatically, everyone has some of their ducks in a row.

Unless, of course, you only have one duck. Then your duck is just lonely. That’s a different problem.

I have two ducks. Two’s company. Three’s a crowd. I’ll keep it simple with two and tell you, “I got ALL my ducks in a row.” As long as you don’t delve into my ducks you’ll never know that things look orderly merely because I’m operating with only two ducks.

Quack. Quack.