Browse Category: Running/Fitness

Half Marathon Training – Just the Facts

Today’s Goal: 4 miles
Actual Distance: 4.1 miles
Time: 39:56
Weather: Hot; Not too humid; Sunny; 80 degrees
Time of Day: 12:30 PM
Notes: I had more energy today. I ate an energy gel 15 minutes before running. This probably helped.

Tomorrow’s Goal: 4 miles

Half Marathon Training – Weekly Long Run

Today’s Goal: 7 miles
Actual Distance: 7 miles
Time: 1:14:17
Weather: Hot; Humid; Partly cloudy; 80+ degrees
Time of Day: 10 AM
Notes: Still lacking energy; pace was slow but I was able to run the whole distance, only stopping to blow my nose, eat an energy gel.

Tomorrow’s Goal: REST DAY

Half Marathon Training – Just the Facts

Today’s Goal: REST DAY
Actual Distance: 4.15 miles
Time: 38:47
Weather: Sunny; Low humidity; 75 degrees
Time of Day: 12 Noon
Notes: Ran a little better than yesterday (9:23 average pace compared to 10:12); still experienced low energy; I feel a little bit like I have a bug or something; today was supposed to be a rest day, but I had to make up for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tomorrow’s Goal: 3 miles

Half Marathon Training – Snails Run Faster

Today’s Goal: 4 miles
Actual Distance: 5.45 miles
Time: 55:38
Weather: Sunny; Low Humidity; 77 degrees
Time of Day: 12:10 PM
Notes: Sluggish; Energy very low; Not much motivation; A sub-par run; And doesn’t it suck when you are struggling at 4 miles and feel like quitting and a car passes you with a “26.2” sticker on it? Ugh.

Tomorrow’s Goal: REST DAY (But I’ll probably run to make up for missing two days.)