Browse Category: Heron Flight

Does a Bear Sh*t in the Woods?

(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)

Does a bear sh*t in the woods?

The answer is…

No! He sh*ts in Sam Snyder’s back yard!


Those are not M&Ms! They are berries! (And you thought for a second that the picture looks appetizing! No, really. It’s okay to admit it.)

I think the bear pooed in my yard out of spite because he can’t get into my garbage can anymore.


That’s right, ladies and gents, BUNGEE CORDS! A man’s second best friend, just behind duct tape. There are scratch marks on the top of the can. That sucker was trying to get in! But I am smarter than the average bear! (Although, one may wonder about the intelligence of someone who posts pictures of bear crap on their website.)

Tropical Storm Hannah

(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)

They named a storm after my daughter.


She reached New Jersey this weekend and dumped a lot of rain on us.

But the next day was sunny and pleasant. Thanks to Hannah.