Coffee Dude Responses


(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

“The Coffe Dude”

On May 1, I posted this picture and asked for some feedback on it. Here are a few of the responses about this man who has been endearingly dubbed the Coffee Dude.

Here we go…

“It is morning at the coffee shop and he is blind, showing he can do things on his own, even if they are hot.”


“He looks like someone who is pouring the coffee from sheer memory. Obviously he can’t see a damn thing, yet he continues to pour. This isn’t a long lost relative of yours is it? And please don’t tell him about Bucks Ice Cream and Espresso Bar. The place will definitely be uncool if you do.”

And then there is…

“Ya know….he must be stoned cause he has sunglasses on inside.”

Lastly, my favorite…

“Now here is a man of great character! He may look the brooding silent type, but behind those glasses is a man with a heart of gold. Anyone who can pour a mean coffee is a champion to me! Looking at the picture, my guess is that he was pouring you one for the road after seeing the Danny Godinez Band. He was thinking that his new friend, Sam, needs a quick pick-me-up before he hits the road.”

There ya have it! It’s not too late to send in your Coffee Dude story. I’ll post it on the internet and make you famous! Or, if you don’t send me a story, I just might put your cute mug on the internet and let people write about you. You know I’m just the guy to do such a thing too!

Posted at 1:30 PM (EST)

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