Real Men Sew

(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)

Real men sew…


… with DUCT TAPE! Oh yeah!


SOMEBODY’s got to sew the kid’s name on the back of his jersey. It might as well be me who bloodies their fingers.

I used a needle and thread in addition to the tape. Taping is definitely much easier than trying to get that thread through that tiny needle eye. (I was informed by one of the ladies at work that “embroidery” needles were the wrong ones and is probably part of the reason it took me 2 hours just to sew half of it last night.)


I thought about leaving the tape on his shirt. That would convey a “real man” attitude when he’s on the field. “Whoa… watch out for #44! That kid’s messing with duct tape already!”

“Yeah, but I hear his granddaddy is a SEWER!” (Wait… that word looks like something else. Ew.)

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