(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)
Party Time
(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)
(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)
See that little crushed bumper there?
The insurance company is paying me several hundred dollars to get it fixed. Well, they are sending me a check. It’s up to me to take it somewhere for repairs…. or NOT!
I know I can easily fix that crinkle myself. But I’m thinking maybe I should leave it there. It gives the car a certain “character.” My son, Tim, the one who started the whole sticker craze on the back of the car, thinks I should just put a jumbo-sized Band-Aid on the dent. I wonder where he gets his sense of humor from?
As it turns out, the amount of the insurance payment is just higher than the expense of the trip to Georgia. Nice! So, the next time I hear tires squealing behind me, and the sound of someone’s headlight shattering as it rams up my butt, I’ll just think, “Congratulations, Mr. Snyder! You’ve just won an all expense paid trip to the Southern state of your choice!”
And I didn’t even have to buy a vowel!