Browse Category: Photos

Chasing a Rainbow

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

Look what I chased yesterday. I just wish I had a better digital camera that could have really captured the color of this. Hopefully the photos I took with the 35mm will come out nice.




(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

The sky was so perfectly clear yesterday that I decided to do some sunset and night photography. My son Tim and a few of his friends went with me to Point Mountain. We got there just after the sun went down behind the mountains. A few of the nightime photos taken with the 35mm came out kind of interesting. The others were over exposed. It was my first serious attempt at it. You win some. You lose some. I guess that’s one way to learn.

Below are a few photos taken with the digital camera.



Never Flush a…


(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

Well, the toilet went crazy
Yesterday afternoon
The plumber he says
Never flush a tampoon!
This great information
Cost me half a week’s pay
And the toilet blew up
Later on the next day-ay-eee-ay
Blew up the next day

Lyrics from “Flakes” by Frank Zappa

The first human voice I heard this morning came floating down the hallway with the words:

“Dad! The toilet’s overflowing!!!!”

First, I freaked and ran around looking for towels.

Second, I cursed. Or maybe that was first.

Third, I had a good laugh over it all when Zappa’s lyrics came to mind.

The moral… “Don’t cry over spilt *milk*.”