Browse Category: Photos

The Bug Was Biting

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

The photo bug was biting real hard today. As you can see in the pics below, it’s a beautiful sunny day here. There is not a cloud in the sky. In the morning, I took the long way to work, driving over the mountains through Califon and Oldwick. I stopped to take several photos with my 35mm along the way. By lunchtime, I couldn’t sit in my cube any longer. I drove through Oldwick, took some turns down roads I’d never been on before. I found myself on dirt roads that you wouldn’t think existed in this part of New Jersey. Here are the few photos that I took with the digital camera.





(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)


APRIL 23, 2004 – THEME: JUNK

"ONE MAN'S JUNK..." is another man's art. This piece of junk art was found outside of a fire station in Washington Township, Warren County, New Jersey.
“ONE MAN’S JUNK…” is another man’s art.
This piece of junk art was found outside of a fire station in Washington Township, Warren County, New Jersey.



(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

It’s always nice when I come across a way to use photos that I’ve taken in the past and have just been sitting around collecting dust. Above is the photo that I submitted to the World Taxxi Project. It was taken in January of 2003 on Route 78 East near Warren, New Jersey.