Browse Category: Running/Fitness

Half Marathon Training – Just the Facts

Today’s Goal: 6 miles
Actual Distance: 6.05 miles
Time: 59:18
Weather: Mostly sunny; not humid; 75 degrees
Time of Day: 1:00 PM
Notes: Good run; energy level was good; did some hills.

Tomorrow’s Goal: 4 miles

Half Marathon Training – Sunday Long Run

Today’s Goal: 8 miles
Actual Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1:16:27
Weather: Sunny; Not humid; 65 degrees; perfect.
Time of Day: 8 AM
Notes: Felt really good on this run. Ran all 8 miles without walking. Had GU chews 15 minutes before starting. Had a GU gel at 3 miles and again at 6. Felt strong when I finished at 8 miles. Could have run more, but decided to stick to plan.

Each Sunday will be breaking new ground with distance as 8 is the farthest I’ve ever run to this point.

6 weeks until race day.

Good run
A good run!

Tomorrow’s Goal: REST DAY

Half Marathon Training – Beaten by Snails Again

Today’s Goal: 4 miles
Actual Distance:4 miles
Time: 45:27
Weather: Hot; Very humid; Sunny; 86 degrees
Time of Day: 12:15 PM
Notes: Still tired; heat was a bit much today; been having migraine symptoms; against my better judgement, I had some drinks yesterday. I’m not hungover, but the drinks didn’t do anything for my energy. That’s for sure.

Tomorrow’s Goal: 8 miles