Browse Category: Heron Flight

PILLER (A Bug’s Life #1)

(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)


“One day… when I’m all growed up… I’ll be a handsome butterfly! And I’ll flutter up, up, up and soar through the sky! Then everybody will like me!”

Click on the picture to see the jumbo, nearly life-size original 1600 x 1200 photo. Set it as your desktop image. You’ll be the envy of all your friends!

(This is my first entry for the HOLIDAILIES project.)


(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)


What is it but a mad dash? A stumble through the darkness? A bashed knee upon the pavement? A “fuck you” in the bitterness and a knife in the throat? A smile in the halls of the office.

* * * * *

Yes, I love the trains.

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C’mon, tell me…

If you and I found ourselves sharing a coupling of brewskies over the flaming fields of Armaggedon, what the hell would we be talking about?

Maybe the latest U2 record and George Bush’s foreign policy.

Maybe we’d just swap photos of our kids and duck while the sulfur rained down around us.