Creepy Gnome

The creepy gnome who keeps watch on my porch

Long ago, I was in a band called Gnome Dust. I wrote about that in this post from 2003: “The Drummer’s Story.”

Here are photos from that time we recorded a demo in a basement of an old building that used to be a church and our guitarist was literally in the furnace room: “Gnome Dust Recording in Bloomfield, NJ.”

And here are photos from the one and only gig we played: “Gnome Dust at the Wreck Room.”

I now live not far from where we used to rehearse. I regret losing touch with those guys and often wonder what they are up to. One of the guys had some heart issues. I always wonder how he’s doing. I don’t even know how to get in touch with any of them. Why do I let that happen in life?

George Washington Bridge Challenge 10K

Unicorns are REAL! They talked to us and told us many wondrous things that I’m not allowed to reveal.

My wife and I ran the George Washington Bridge Challenge 10K today. How often does anyone get the chance to run on one of the busiest bridges in the country? (One time per year, as far as I know.) That’s what made this race so appealing.

The race started in Fort Lee on the New Jersey side of the Hudson. We took a ramp up onto the bridge. Then we ran out and back over the bridge twice. Coming off the bridge we ran along Main Street in Fort Lee and then down Henry Hudson Drive to the Ross Dock Picnic Area to finish. The majority of the race was on the flat bridge and then downhill after that, hardly any uphill. A nice run!

Considering I had only run twice in the past two months, including this race, I was pleased with how my running felt and the fact that I finished in 1 hour, 7 minutes. I struggled now and then, walked when I felt like it. I went into the race with the idea of simply running according to how I felt and not worrying about my time or pace. I didn’t worry about comparing myself to anyone else. I just chugged along and enjoyed the scenery and the satisfying feeling of moving my feet. I was actually surprised that my time was as good as it turned out!

Here are some photos:

Getting started
Entering the lower level of the GWB
Looking toward Manhattan
Overlooking Palisades Park in New Jersey. If you look real close you can see the yellow arch at the finish line.
On the GWB
Under the GWB
Finishing up
Many thanks to our friend, Zach, for the cool signs and for tending to our child!

How Does My Garden Grow?

Thanks for asking.


  • Kale and lettuce are growing well.
  • Rose bushes are looking good.
  • Tomatoes and peppers have been planted.
  • Some beast (see “Reclaiming the Land” from May 5, 2018) wrecked one of the pepper plants. It didn’t eat it. It just tore it apart. I can understand if a creature is hungry. In that case, eat. But don’t just be a jerk by ripping up a plant and leaving it.
  • Basil and marigolds have been planted.
  • 15 morning glories are thriving.
The kale and lettuce patch.
The rose bush on the left.
The rose bush on the right. (No need to worry about whether this guy was going to grow or not now.)
Tomatoes and peppers.
Don’t be a jerk.
Two types of basil. We already used some to make chicken parm. Yum!
Morning glories.