I’m Not One for Snot Rockets
I’m not one for snot rockets. For one thing, it grosses me the heck out. But I think I worry about snot rocket malfunctions more than anything. I fear blowing snot out of my nose with insufficient force and having it land in my beard or my thigh or the top of my shoe. I fear inhaling the snot into my mouth as I’m huffing and puffing.
So, I run with a pocket full of paper towels. Tissues don’t cut it. They just get sweaty and turn to mush. I use paper towels, basically one for each mile. I have persistent sinus problems in spite of taking allergy medicine every day. For a guy with such a condition, mastering the technique of the snot rocket would save a lot of hassle. But I opt for the paper towels instead. Snot rockets just aren’t my style.