Browse Category: Photos

Morning Photos


(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

There was a thumbnail-crescent moon above the southeastern horizon when I left for work this morning. This photo was taken around 7:15 AM. I am sure the sky was a deeper blue just 30 minutes earlier. The photo would have had a much deeper color if I had taken it then. (Both of these photos are a little fuzzy because I took them while driving. I know, I know… Just don’t tell my mom. She worries.)


This road approaching my office would have been a good spot for sunrise photos this morning. If I had more time I could have stopped and taken some decent shots of the sun shining through the trees and onto the snowy road. However, seeing as I have more things to move from my mom’s house and there is “band camp” tonight, I needed to get to work early in order to have time for these things later. My dream is to support myself through writing/photography/music. Then I can chase all the sunrises and sunsets that I want. For now… back to my wage-slave life.

Snowed in on a Sunday


(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

Nothing like being snowed in on a Sunday!

Well… I was able to go out in the afternoon to do some laundry. Then I went to my mom’s to upload this since I have no internet connection at my new place yet.