Browse Category: Photos

So Goes the World

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)


It is said that when you see a ring around the moon at night, it is going to snow the next day. What if you see a rainbow around the sun? Does it mean the same thing? Because it is supposed to snow big time here today and tomorrow, possibly 10 to 14 inches in our area by the end of the day tomorrow.

I am not well “treaded” for this storm. The tires on my car are wearing pretty thin. I have no boots since I destroyed them on THIS ADVENTURE back in August. But all I have to do is make it home from work and I will be fine. It can snow all weekend then.

The photo above was taken while driving to work yesterday morning. I set the camera exposure extra low to make more of a contrast between the rainbow and the tree line, as well as to minimize the glare from the sun. The church in the picture is located in Fairmont, which is near Califon and Oldwick.

* * * * *
I was going to run again yesterday, even though I was debating if that would be a good thing right at the beginning of getting started again, especially given the fact that I’ve been averaging about four hours sleep per night lately. It’s at times like these, when I push myself a little too much, that I fear the Brain-Sucking-Monster-Migraine will get me. Still, I wanted to run.

However, even though the girl who sits next to me at work remembered to bring her running gear, even though we talked all morning about running at lunchtime, even though it was warmer than the day before, we didn’t go running. This time she changed her mind at the last minute when someone asked her to go out for Thai food for lunch. She didn’t stop there though! She, along with the Thai lunch instigator, stood at my cube and harangued (cool word, huh?) me about being too hard on myself for wanting to run again. What? I only ran once after loafing for how many months? How hard on myself was that? (Pretty damn hard, actually!) Well, they convinced me to go to lunch. Honestly, they didn’t have to harangue too long and I rationalized it all away and soon found myself behind an abundant plateful of mildly hot Thai food.

I am beginning to wonder about the girl who sits next to me at work though. Not only has she not gone running with me, now she has even resorted to haranguement (cool, but is it really a word?) to persuade ME to NOT run!

I will run today though, come hell or high water! Or snow.

* * * * *
Man, did I crash last night! I think I actually managed to get about seven hours of sleep for a change. I was extremely proud of myself for resisting the temptation to turn the computer on and going to bed instead.

* * * * *
Speaking of crashing…

On the way to work this morning, the driver in front of me stopped suddenly. I jammed on my breaks so hard that I gave myself a wedgie! I suppose it is better to give yourself a wedgie than to BE a wedgie by slamming into somebody else’s rear end.

* * * * *
So goes the world. Or at least my little portion of it.

Posted at 9:45 AM (EST)

Lunar Eclipse

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

On November 8, 2003 there was a total lunar eclipse which was visible from most of North America (so I’m told by my NASA sources). I wanted to write about it at the time, but, well…

Yesterday, I received an email from my mom’s friend, Pete. (Hi, Pete!) She must know what astronomy geeks my mom and I are. She happened to mention that she couldn’t see the eclipse from her home in California as we could in New Jersey because it was too cloudy there. So, for Pete’s sake (Sorry, I couldn’t resist that one.), here is a series of photos taken by none other than my mommy. It’s neat to see them all together and see the moon’s progression. Click the pictures to enlarge them.

For further info and pictures of this lunar eclipse, here are a few sites:

November’s Lunar Eclipse – this is the Astronomy Picture of the Day website from NASA (which happens to be what I have my home page on my browser set to. I told you I was an astronomy geek!)

Eclipsed Moon in Infrared – funky.

Photos by David Cortner – taken in North Carolina.


(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

26 Things is a photo scavenger hunt project. Participants are given a list of 26 words. Their mission is to photograph subjects to represent these words.

The following is a description of the photos I took for this project. I used a Sony Mavica digital camera. A few of the photos required numerous shots in order to get them just right. Many friends and family members contributed to this collection of photos either by offering ideas or by posing as subjects. Many thanks to all of them!

High Point
High Point
High Point – This photo was taken in Annandale, NJ. It was an extremely windy day. However, this horse must have been lame. No matter how hard the wind blew, it didn’t move a bit.

Familiar – Taken with sepia effect. Plenty of books. Plenty of movies. Plenty of pics of my kids. And a never-made bed.

Too Much
Too Much
Too Much – The idea for this photo came from my daughter, S. It’s a large housing development made up of big houses set too closely together. This is in Pohatcong Township, NJ. So much of this land that was once open farmland when I was a boy has been developed. It really is too much.

2 PM
2 PM
2 PM – Just a sense of humor here.

Shadows – This is a black and white photo of S in a large concrete pipe.

Layered – This is one of the man-made walls of Round Valley Reservoir. It’s not actually layered. But the lines in the grass and the concrete drainage system give it the appearance of being so.

Three – How convenient for a niece to be turning three when I needed a photo to represent three!

Contemplation – I contemplated for quite some time on this one. Finally, I had the idea to take this photo in black in white with the candle giving just enough light onto this professional model’s handsome facial features. **cough**

Warning – Along the railroad tracks in Washington, NJ.

Electric – Not much to be said here. Just an electric meter.

Sharp – Wanna come over for dinner? I’ll cook!

Red – A diner in Washington, NJ. I lucked out to find a red truck parked in front of it on the day I went to take the photo.

Reflection – This is Frank Zappa and me reflected off of a window full of smiley faces. This was taken at the Mansfield Township School.

Movement – This is my daughter, H, showing me some of her great swimming abilities in the summer.

Soft – When I stopped to take a photo to represent “old,” I found a small marshy area nearby, along a road that I travel so often. Sometimes you can find the best subjects for photos right along your every day travels if you just take the time to look for them.

Cold – This photo was taken by my seven-year-old daughter, M, when we were in the car on our way to the movies. It was a rainy, cold day.

Close Up
Close Up
Close Up – I discovered this green light on the side of a building in Washington, NJ around midnight recently. It is not over a door or anything. It is just on the side of the building near the back. I had to balance on some gas pipes to get this close up shot. I have no idea why this green light is on the outside of this building. Since taking this picture, the bulb has been replaced with a red one. Maybe green was too inviting for crazy midnight photographers.

Old – That is exactly what this little building along Route 57 in Mansfield Township is. It is falling down and useless. It has been there as long as I can remember.

Team – What an “odd” team! But they sure do get the “job” done! My how those two cuties in the middle make those guys look bad!

Oversized – This photo has not been tampered with. Those bulbs are actually that large! I just had to buy them to hang from my bedroom ceiling! No, I am not the main subject to represent “oversized” in this photo. And, no, I am not naked in this photo. At the least, I do have socks on.

Intimidating – Don’t get in his way! He’ll hurt ya! I know. I played football with him a few times! Owwww… my ribs…

Culture – This is a wooden Vietnamese figure given to me by a Vietnamese friend. I find that it is easier to carry on a conversation with a real Vietnamese girl than it is with a wooden one. Somethinng to keep in mind.

Energy – Fire. Just your basic energy here, folks.

Famous – Two redheads clowning around here! Boy, did we have fun taking this photo! This Ronald figure is inside a Wal-Mart store nearby. We Snyders don’t mind making a scene now and then. If you hang around us long enough you won’t either. Our beautiful model here is living proof. She knows how crazy we can be and fits right in with us. However, we were one step ahead of the poor dear. We got her to hug Ronald and face away from us so we could see the back of her head. When she did it, we quietly scattered, hid among the ladies’ clothing section and waited to see how long she would stay in that position before realizing that we weren’t there. People were walking bye and looking at this young lady, so in love with Ronald McDonald and seemingly all alone. Ha!

Community – The Usual Suspects online forum. Plenty of good stuff and good people here. This is where I found out about the 26 Things project, as well as others.

The End
The End
The End – That’s it, ladies and gentlemen. We bid thee adieu and end this gallery with a Snyder butt. Butt nothing! It’s over! THE END!

26 Things – December 1, 2003 (Photos)

(Originally posted on the website Continuum…)

26 Things is a photo scavenger hunt project. For more information and descriptions of the pictures in this gallery, please see the journal entry by the same title.