Browse Category: Photos

Sheriff Slammy

(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)


Now you ain’t got ta be worryin’ ’bout no purple monkeys, cowpoke! Sheriff Slammy won’t let dem dere primates bother ye none! I got my Big Thumb Gun and my sidekick, Poncho (the hombre attached to my right shoulder). We ain’t gonna let no harm befall ye. I mean business! Jest look how sweaty my forehead is! Cripes! Yer safe in these here parts cuz Slammy is da law! Nobody gonna harass ya here, not even that Frankenstein looking guy with the big loaf of bread sneaking up behind me. Poncho and I’s got ye covered! Ain’t that right, Poncho? “Si, Kimo-slammy!”

(And let me be remindin’ ye that ye need to be readin’ dis blog from da bottom up. Dat’s da way it’s done ’round here. Got it?)

Those Crazy Stickers

(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)


“Oh, Dude! Is that YOU with all those crazy stickers??”

Well… actually it’s not me. It’s my car.

So, what stickers do we (my car and I) have?

Here’s the list:

  • Virginia is for Lovers
  • 5 Bouncing Souls stickers (how the sticker craziness originally began)
  • mot gilk?
  • D W drums
  • World Inferno Friendship Society
  • Toastmasters International
  • Free Tibet
  • Dino Velvet (my brother’s old band – as opposed to HIS NEW BAND)
  • New Hampshire Moose Crossing
  • Apple logo
  • Kill Your Television (need a reason to kill your TV? click HERE.)
  • Read Banned Books (they are better for your brain than TV.)
  • Underdog and Sweet Polly
  • The Pink Panther
  • Large Band-Aid on the dent on the bumper
  • Smiley face (because the Band-Aid made it all better)
  • a Harley Davidson sticker
  • This Car Climbed Mt. Washington (for real, yo!)
  • a faded Van’s sneakers sticker
  • American flag (upside down)
  • Canadian flag (upside down)
  • Long Beach Island (upside down)
  • New Hampshire (upside down)
  • Cape May (upside down) (not pictured. this photo was taken in Cape May before I bought the sticker.)
  • Earth (right side up)
  • and most importantly… 01.20.09… George W. Bush’s last day in office. Lord haste the day!
  • P.S. – Vote for Pedro