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(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)

"What to Expect When You Visit Our House"
“What to Expect When You Visit Our House”

The camel’s name is “Gibson”, as in caMEL GIBSON. Get it?


Her bite is worse than her bark. Believe me!

Model Daughter

(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)


My oldest daughter, now 19, got her first modeling job this weekend! (Yeah, she’s beautiful like her dad! Smart like me too!) She had photos done by a modeling agency last fall. She finally got a call last week to interview for a modeling spot at a show near Philadelphia. She was chosen to have her hair colored and cut by a top hair stylist. These are the kind of people that charge $500 or more to do your hair. Well… probably not your hair. They charge people like Jennifer Aniston and Leondardo Di Caprio and Don King those kind of prices. (Yeah, I think Don King pays good money for that notorious doo!)

Sarah interviewed on Saturday evening. They loved her! She had to go back on Sunday for “prep” day. Today is the big day. She has to model her hair in front of crowds of people, walk down the runway and the whole modeling gig. Despite the fact that she had to drive almost two hours to get there three days in a row, got lost coming home the first night, and smashed her cell phone on the ground while trying to swat away a bee… she was so excited to be part of such an event. And I am just proud as shit! I wish I could have been there. I probably could have gotten a spot in the show! You know… with my great hair and all…

I suppose it’s safer for all concerned that I am confined in my cube in the office today.