(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)


New Jersey beat Brazil in soccer tonight!! Whooohooo! Imagine that! Brazil! The home of soccer great Pelé! Whipped by New Jersey! Yesssss! Pelé once stated, “It seems that God brought me to Earth with a mission to play soccer.” And He brought ya to New Jersey to give ya a whoopin’!

Things have been a little crazy in the house tonight. Hannah and Madeline have two girls sleeping over. There has been dancing, cheerleading, singing, and… soccer. That’s right. Soccer in the living room and dining room. Chairs were used as goal posts. A yellow smiley face soccer ball was the focus of all the action.


Now, the soccer interest seems to have been growing over the last few days. You see, the other half of “we” was born and raised in Brazil. Her name is Arissa. Of course, being from Brazil, she likes soccer. Too bad Brazil lost tonight! The score was New Jersey 3, Brazil 2. And there was only one injured player, who was promptly carried from the field on a stretcher…


…and given CPR. Don’t worry… she lived!


And that’s the day in sports!


(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)


Warmth is now entering.

Soon color shall prevail.

Starkness shall give way to bounty, barrenness to fruitfulness.

We shall delight in the passion that is summer.

We shall forget that winter will come assuredly, just as we eat, drink, make merry, never believing that all must end.

Complaints shall muddle about humidly, as we drip, burn, faint.

Drooping, we trudge on to fall, welcoming the cool grayness ahead.



(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)

Why have a SpongeBob party?

Because we CAN! What other reason do we need?

While shopping today, we discovered SpongeBob party goods.

“Daddy, can we get SpongeBob plates?”


“And SpongeBob napkins?”


“And SpongeBob cups?”


Why not have a party for no apparent reason? Why not have some fun? Why not laugh and enjoy each other’s company? Life is so short. Why do we so often put off the good times? Why are we always too busy? Too tired? Too involved? We say, “That’s just life.” The rat race, right?

Sometimes we need to cancel “life” and throw a party just for the sake of having a party. Hey… WWSBD? WHAT WOULD SPONGEBOB DO? Sometimes we need to look at it like that.



(Originally posted on the website Heron Flight)

One of the pitfalls of fatherhood, at least fatherhood with two young daughters in the hood, is “Fairytopia.” Ah, yes… nothing like a good movie starring… uh… none other than Barbie! Yikes! Gee whiz… she’s walking like she has a 50 pound stainless steel plate in her lower back. And her forearms are definitely too long and a tad too thin. I’m not sure what exactly is going on at this point in the movie. It seems that the pixies are losing their ability to fly. Never a good sign. There is the typical evil fairy woman… with green hair and a wicked looking magic staff. She can’t be all that evil though. She just offered fluffernutter sandwiches to her captives! No kidding. This movie is looking up. Life is always so much better when peanut butter and marshmallow are involved. And with that, I suppose I can say, “That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!”